Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Easy Flower

I was able to get a lot of things finished since I was off all day yesterday! Whew! Now I only have one project in the making and everything else is done!!  I am stoked.  I will share those with you this week.  But I have been wanting to show everyone how to get a lot of flowers for a few pennies.  Since I am usually making things in bulk for other people I am always trying come up with ways to make things look very cute for very little.  Remember the handbag that I jazzed up with that BIG pink flower, here is how you can get your own BIG flower.
I will be adding the red flowers to some tote bags that I am doing for a wedding party.  You can also pull off the petals of a hydrangea to get smaller flowers.   Hope this gives you some inspiration to look a things in a new light. :)


  1. Another fun one to pull apart that is SUPER cheap is fake leis. tons of fun colorful petals :)

  2. Visiting and following from TTA! Lovely blog!

  3. Thank you for stopping by and your very sweet comment=0)

    Have a great night,

  4. Following from TTA! Cant wait to check out your craftiness!

  5. New Follower!
    What a great idea!
    I would like to make some headbands and pins with these!

  6. Who wants to pay those terrible prices, when you can get great flowers half the price at wally world or even the dollar store. You are my kind of thinker! save save save

  7. Love saving money! You are my kinda girl!

    Never been to a quilting store but I'll check one out. I have also never been to JoAnns! Can you believe it?! I MUST go soon. :)

    I have another question about your baby stuff...Do you have to use stabilizer for the bibs? I'm not sure what that even is. I am new to sewing-I have very minimal skills but this is easy enough. I made 2 bibs so far and they are super cute! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  8. SO cute! Thanks for sharing! :D
