Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Guest Bedroom

I am finally partyly finished with the guest bedroom.  Why did it take me so long?! I couldn't decide on a bedding set.  After going to almost every single store in my area, I decided to move the one from the master bedroom into the guest bedroom.  I really like this bedding and there ins't really anything wrong with it and besides, if I am going to buy something new- I want it to for the master! LOL  I have ordered a bedding set from Bed Bath & Beyond for the master and I can't wait for it to get here!!  Nothing is else is really done to the guest bedroom because I am going to do a switch on some of the furniture and buy some more.  And I hate to say this, but remember that airmore that I purchased on Craigslist, well I am going to have to sell it back to someone on CL.  It is almost a little to big for the room and I really do not like how it isn't very tall.  Also, remember the before picture of this room, from when the roomie lived with us . . . . . well here it is now!

Here is the fan! This thing ROCKS! I was stoked that I was able to get a brushed bronze fan for under $60 at the HD (It also came with three super snazzy energy efficient bulbs, that is worth $8!).  I was even thinking about painting the existing one in our master bedroom, but not after installing this one. This time, I am going to actually buy a new one instead of doing a redo on it!


  1. It looks so cute! I love the king sign too! I need to update my fans so bad! There just plain white! blah!

  2. The guest room looks super. The only problem with a nice guest room is that people will want to come and stay in it.

  3. You do need my red chest. We got the chest from my mother in law when she passed away. She used it as a night stand. Maybe I just need your bed. :)

  4. Holy goodness!! That was super fast. It looks wonderful!
