Friday, July 30, 2010

10 Days Of Scrapbooking: Day 5

Half way done! Whoop!! Christmas Day on my side of the family.  Okay, the actual pictures aren't as blurry as they look in the picture of the layout.  My Mom and I live in separate towns and ended up buying the same Christmas fabric for the aprons that we each made.  Great minds think alike!  I really like this bird, it totally reminds me of my Mom.


  1. I love the bird!
    That is hilarious...something my mom and I would do too...I can't believe you are halfway done with this...seriously...where did the time go?

  2. SO DARLING! to bad we didn't live closer, I love scrapbooking. Love this page and the Christmas vintage look of it. Have a great FRIDAY! jenn

  3. Love the embellishments on this! Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays!
