Thursday, July 1, 2010

Flower Pot Sauer Coasters

I saw these super snazzy coasters over at Sweet Charli and I knew that I had to make me some! Mainly because King never gets the coaster out of the remote control caddy.  Besides I am tired of the bulky remote caddy on the end table.  The jazzy coaster looks fabulous on the end table & it can stay there 24/7 with out looking cheesy and cluttered.  Anyone got any ideas for the remote caddy?  Made several of these, one for my nightstand and one for my desk.  Mrs. Rooster got one for her desk too!  I didn't make a full matching set because we do not need that many coasters in our house.  It's only me and King.

So there's a typo!! "BOTTOM" not botom!! LOL

I used fabric on mine but I have also seen paper being used too.  The best paper ones that I saw where pictures of the Beatles made for her husband for Father's Day.  Darn it, I can't remember where I saw them.


  1. How funny I just made some of these as well! Love yours though. may just need to make some more :)

  2. What a great idea for coasters. May try this little project. I hate the coasters we have.

  3. Wow, those are so cute. I will have to make some for our house. Thanks for posting.

  4. Very very cute!! Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to have to try some of them :) ~ Laura

  5. I love the coasters...such a great idea! My husband is a coaster freak, so when we redo our game room, I might have to steal this idea. It's hard to find cute ones that match my style and are functional...this is the perfect solution!

  6. Those are some cute coasters!! I never would have thought to use those. Great idea!

  7. I love these! Probably more practical than a coaster too!

  8. These are TOO cute - and I love the idea of using the planter saucers! You are so creative!!
