Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Treasure Hunting with Mrs. Rooster

Hello everyone!!
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have been terribly busy with many large projects that I plan on posting and sharing with you over the next several weeks. Girl Scouts Honor!

My most recent find was completely unexpected and totally fit the bill for my office. Tip 1. when treasure hunting you must always be prepared to find a bargain when you least expect it. So always keep some cash on hand. ($10) However, don't purchase anything unless you have a use for it because it then it would not be a bargain!

I was coming home early from a completely STRESSFUL day at work. Just kidding I don't really have stressful days in my job! But I did totally take off early. And there to my surprise across the street from my house, on a beautiful Thursday afternoon was a "YARD SALE"! Yippee I thought to myself. I totally strolled through the piles of great things and found this old, rustic, french country chair that fit the profile to a "T" for my office chair. I totally had to have it. So I paid $5 bucks and carried it all the way home - across the street!

As you can tell from the picture this chair was not "tushy" ready. I had all the supplies at my house for this project. I left the paint mostly the way it was because I really liked the age of the chair and I didn't want to take that away from it. It gives it ummm... character. I took a 1 inch piece of plywood from the garage and cut it to fit the chair. I took some 5 inch foam and cut it to the size of the base.

I had some left over remnants of my drapery fabric for my office. So I used it to wrap the cushion. With a few swift pushes of my handy dandy staple gun this projects was a wrap in like 5 minutes. It looks so good in my office and was a great find. For under $5 I got exactly what I was needing in my office space. A chair for Haley to come sit in and talk crafts with me. I would love to hear about your fabulous finds..so please share with us and also Happy Treasure Hunting!

Mrs. Rooster


  1. How perfect! Have a blessed night!

  2. LOVELY! Thanks so much for linking it up! :)

  3. What a cute, lucky find. I like the paint and distressing, too. I'd love to see it in your office.

  4. Looks great! I love the colors that you chose. Thanks for linking up to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions. Hope you stop by again this week :)

  5. That is a great chair - love the styling and you made a great score and then made it even prettier!
