I have taken a pretty big interest in plants and sprucing up my back and front porches this spring season. Yard work and plants are a love/hate relationship with me. Plants make everything look esthetically pleasing to the eye; however, I do not have a green thumb . . . trying to get there. I really dislike mowing the yard too but I love to edge! I know, it’s crazy! Here is what I have been working on.
I have to have pillows. I am one of those crazy pillow people!
I found this bench in Round Top for a steal and then I made the bench pad & pillows.
I have two single chairs that I found at Sam’s last year.
I am debating on rather or not I should get more of these planters.
I think I want one for the front porch railing too!
Clean, simple with a touch of jazzyness . . . Totally my personality.
I had several small flower pots out front but I wasn’t feeling it with them. I really feel like this planter gives me that statement that I am looking for with out looking cluttered. I actually grew those caladiums from bulbs and the azaleas (I think that is what they are.) in front are from seeds! I am so proud of myself.