I have recently become obsessed with the Virgin Mary and/or Lady Guadalupe. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am currently enrolled in RCIA classes to become Catholic. My fiancé is Catholic, and I am following suite with his denomination.
I was browsing around Joann’s Fabric and I came across some semi decent Virgin Mary fabric … now that I have furthered my search, I don’t think there is ANY fabulous Mary fabric out there; or at least, nothing that I like … So, I improvised and cut around the actual Mary image. I used fusible webbing and sewed scrap pieces of fabric together to make a few pillows. I would have to say that they turned out pretty fabulous! I gave two of them away and kept one for our house. It fit perfectly on our vintage orange chair.
While I was whackin’ and stackin’ on the Mary pillows, I had the idea to add a Mary to a simple tshirt that I purchased at Joann’s Fabrics. I am always wearing these solid tshirts around the house … you just can’t beat it for about $3 each. Sometimes I jazz em up … sometimes I don’t.