Friday, January 9, 2015

Hello Fabulous Rooms!

I worked on two really big orders last year, oh wait ... it was the year before; I am just really slacking on my blog posts! Ha! … and I know you probably can’t tell that I have a lot of time wrapped up in these orders, but if you sew, you can probably imagine the amount of time I spent on these.  Getting over 50 yards of fabric was a bit overwhelming! I wish the pictures where just a little bit better but it’s okay … you get the idea.  If i lived back in Waco I would definitely be driving to this customers house.  I've seen bits and pieces of this custom home and I am dying to see the inside of it.   

Both of these rooms are for two little girls who share a Jack-n-Jill bathroom.  The Mom wanted these rooms to coordinate but not necessarily match.  I loved getting to work with all of these fab fabrics! Joel Dewberry, Amy Butler and a few more.  I made two duvet covers, tons of pillows, four sets of curtains, and two dust ruffles- all complete with custom ruffles.  Did you see the ruffled shower curtain {HERE}? Gahhh! It was sooo stinking cute!!  The custom headboards and coronitas really complete the look.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

L's Big Girl Bedroom

Do you remember the fabulous pink, black and white damask baby bedding that I made a few years back? {HERE}  That room was the most fabulous baby girl nursery that I have ever seen … and I just thought it couldn’t get any cuter.  Well, the little girl has grown up and moved into her big girl bed … her Mom has over the top ideas and executed the design at a very professional level.  Love working with her!

I made the pillows, dust ruffle, and the overlay that goes at the bottom of the bed.  I also made the table to the right of the bed; super simple - three legged table, Modge Podge fabric to the top, staple the “skirt” to the edge of the wooden top and then finish off with trim that is hot glued over the staples.  Most of the pillow fabrics came from Hobby Lobby, and I really like how the pillows look against the simple white coverlet.  Everything in this bedroom is absolutely adorable … the furniture, the gallery wall, the bedding … on and on … every detail is perfect.   

Stay tuned for baby girl number two …  EEEEK! So excited about that room! 

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lady Guadalupe Pillows

I have recently become obsessed with the Virgin Mary and/or Lady Guadalupe.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am currently enrolled in RCIA classes to become Catholic.  My fiancé is Catholic, and I am following suite with his denomination. 

I was browsing around Joann’s Fabric and I came across some semi decent Virgin Mary fabric … now that I have furthered my search, I don’t think there is ANY fabulous Mary fabric out there; or at least, nothing that I like … So, I improvised and cut around the actual Mary image.  I used fusible webbing and sewed scrap pieces of fabric together to make a few pillows.  I would have to say that they turned out pretty fabulous!  I gave two of them away and kept one for our house.  It fit perfectly on our vintage orange chair. 

While I was whackin’ and stackin’ on the Mary pillows, I had the idea to add a Mary to a simple tshirt that I purchased at Joann’s Fabrics.  I am always wearing these solid tshirts around the house … you just can’t beat it for about $3 each.  Sometimes I jazz em up … sometimes I don’t. 

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dogs Everywhere!

We have five dogs, yes- FIVE.  Mr Z has two dogs and I have three; now we are one big dog family!  However, all five of them do not stay in the house; only the three small dogs that are under 20 pounds stay inside.  The other two stay in the "non hobby shop" -- the "non hobby shop" will be a post for another day.

Mr Z didn't have a "cute" water dish for the pooches ... Ta da! I whipped one up out of an old soda crate.  

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Simplest Wreath Ever

We really don't use our front door very much; therefore I wanted to get a wreath on the back door that was welcoming without being as fussy as something on the front door.  I kept mulling it over in my head and couldn't come up with anything until I spotted this simple grapevine wreath at Hobby Lobby (For some reason, I hadn't seen this wreath before).  Hobby Lobby always comes to the rescue!  That's why it is my favorite store! 
Not only simple-- but cheap too! Got the wreath at 40% off and the burlap ribbon was 40% off too!  I think I made it for less than $30.  Tied on a burlap bow and BOOM! - Done! 

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