Where do I even start?! As you might have noticed, my blogging was pretty scarce in 2013. This is due to the fact that I had quite a few baby bedding orders and I met this guy, Mr. Z. Aren't we just the cutest couple ever?! Ha!
He lived in Houston and I lived in Central Texas … three hours apart, so lots of traveling on the weekends and no time for crafting.
Now we are at September 2014; what’s happened between Dec 2013 until now … Job transfer, decided to move to Houston, got a NEW job after the transfer, sold my house, and moved in with Mr. Z ...
Combining two full blown stocked homes is quite the chore. It has taken me very long time to sort through all of my things and to sort through every single item at Mr. Z’s house. It’s different when you are young and in love. Two people move in together and probably don’t have anything, there isn’t a debate over rather or not you will keep the free couch that Great Aunt Sally is getting rid of, cause you are just excited to HAVE a couch. Mr. Z and I both have things that are upgrades from college living, we both had an emotional attachment to the things that we purchased as adults and we both wanted to keep “my things”. Two toasters, two crock pots, two couches, four mattress sets, four brown leather chairs, two sets of dishes, a million cups, so on and so on …. However, we made it through. One giant garage sale, donated one truck load to a charity garage sale, two truck loads full of junk to Goodwill and a few late nights and arguments- it's all done! However, doing this task together has really taught each of us about the other persons “style” of handling different tasks.
Combining two full blown stocked homes is quite the chore. It has taken me very long time to sort through all of my things and to sort through every single item at Mr. Z’s house. It’s different when you are young and in love. Two people move in together and probably don’t have anything, there isn’t a debate over rather or not you will keep the free couch that Great Aunt Sally is getting rid of, cause you are just excited to HAVE a couch. Mr. Z and I both have things that are upgrades from college living, we both had an emotional attachment to the things that we purchased as adults and we both wanted to keep “my things”. Two toasters, two crock pots, two couches, four mattress sets, four brown leather chairs, two sets of dishes, a million cups, so on and so on …. However, we made it through. One giant garage sale, donated one truck load to a charity garage sale, two truck loads full of junk to Goodwill and a few late nights and arguments- it's all done! However, doing this task together has really taught each of us about the other persons “style” of handling different tasks.
Now it’s time for DIY and decorations, my favorite! Oh and let me mention- Mr. Z and I do NOT have the same taste; we are so opposite on so many levels.
Here is the very first project that I tackled. We have plans for renovation, but I just had to swap this out for something inexpensive because the black and white tile was stained, dirty and hideous. I purchased the "nice" peal and stick at Lowe's. This project ended up costing me under $40.
Freshly steamed cleaned carpet! Ahhh! Love that clean smell.
I can't wait to decorate this fireplace mantle.

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