Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cards!

I wish I could have posted these a lot earlier but I didn't want to spoil the card for any of those recipients who read my blog.  I actually made two sets of Christmas cards last year and didn't have to make any this year.  I am so glad that I had those on hand because I am feeling totally behind with only a few days before Christmas.  Hope you are ready!!

I mass produce the same design of one card; I make probably about 50 or so . . .they might differ a little depending on the paper selection that I have on hand and this is the time when I usually use stamps.

My uncle and his wife are all about coffee and Starbucks! 
Of course, I had to jazz it up a little.


Loui♥ said...

The designs are gorgeous!!
anyone on your mailing list should feel very special!!
warmest Christmas hugs!!

aseknc said...

They are all so gorgeous!

Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
Psalm 63:3

Liz said...

What beautiful cards!

I'm giving you a Stylish Blogger Award! Come and get it from my blog!

토토사이트 said...

Ik heb hier een paar goede dingen gelezen. Zeker de moeite waard om te bookmarken voor een volgend bezoek.

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