While I was home over Thanksgiving, my Mom and I really wanted to craft something but we didn't "plan" on craftin' so we didn't stock up on any supplies . . . . . but with a trip to HL we came up with something that turned out pretty fabulous. This isn't quite my style nor my Mom's but it works.
We hot glued the itsy-bitsie-beads onto old Christmas ornaments and hot glued dowel rods into the holes on the ornaments. There is green floral foam under the fake snow. It's kinda contemporary for me but it looks pretty festive for only a few bucks.
My Mom is so creative when it comes to decorating her table; it is different every year.
I wish my table was big enough to handle an arrangement of that size.
A tree on a cake plate?! But it looks good! I love it!
Goody goody gum drops!! Ahhh!! I {heart} the way the
gum drops are spilling out over onto the platter.

I love the topiaries... They are adorable!
Those are cute.
i love the topiaries! and the gum drops... yum! ^^)
Those are super cute!
How darling!!! These would even be sweet on a mantle or for an extra surprise in the bathroom. :)
Fuzzy Slippers Designs
I LOVE those topiaries!!!!! I hit my goal of 50 links, so be sure to come back next week cuz I'm having a giveaway!!!!! Thanks for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day!!!!!!! :)
I love the take on this with the topiary...very pretty.
This would even work for valentine's day...
if you have a chance today, please stop by creative juice thursday and link this beauty up!
nicolette @
Very cute, what a great idea!
Just wanted to let you know we featured you today on WhipperBerry, so come by and grab a featured button!
Love these!!! Thanks for another fun link to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions :)
Very cute thing-a-ma-jigs! Love it. ;)
Thanks for Hookin up with HoH!
~Allison @ House of Hepworths
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